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Scholarship for Special Needs

Parent Notification of Scholarship Programs with Disabilities

Parent Notification of Scholarship Programs
with Disabilities

Senate Bill 316 established a new requirement related to students with disabilities that
becomes effective on September 24, 2012. Per Ohio revised Code Section
3323.052, each time a school district completes an evaluation for a child with
a disability, or undertakes the development, review or revision of the child’s
IEP the district shall notify the child’s parent by letter or electronic means
about both the Autism Scholarship Program, under section 3310.41 of the Revised
Code, and the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program, under 3310.51 to
3310.64 of the Revised Code.

The content of the notification must include the information below:

Parent Notification of Scholarship Programs for
Students with Disabilities

Your child may be eligible for a scholarship under the Autism Scholarship Program or the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program to attend a special education program that
implements the child’s individualized education program and that is operated by
an alternative public provider or by a registered private provider.

Information on scholarship programs are available from the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) web site at

*For information on the Autism Scholarship Program, search Autism Scholarship Program.
*For information on the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program, search

Jon Peterson Scholarship.

For additional information or questions on these scholarship programs, contact:

Office of Nonpublic Educational Options (614) 466-5743

Toll-free: (877)644-6338

email:[email protected]

email:[email protected]