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Mrs. Buller


 Welcome to the Art Web Page!
I am so excited to start a new school year

Log into your student's google classroom for news, optional lessons for quarantine, optional assignments in the event of virtual learning, art websites/games and more! If you do not know how to log into google classroom contact me or your child's homeroom teacher.

Contact info:
Angela Buller
937-364-9119 ext. 11102

      Specials Rotation
Below is a link to click, so that you can print and use at home to keep track of what special you have and on what day. I recommend using a paper clip or clothespin and clipping it over the apple each day, then you can rotate down everyday for a new special. If your have brothers or sisters, they can use the same chart and have different clips...or each have their own chart! 


Google Classroom LInk

Students can click the link below 
to log into google classroom. 

They must use their lc login 
and password:lc******