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One-Call From Mrs. Godby 8.12.20

One Call - Building Covid Plan


Hello.  This is Mrs. Godby.  This afternoon, the elementary building’s Covid -19 operational guidelines along with a letter from me were mailed to each student who is returning to school.  These operational guidelines explain the protocols that will be followed throughout the elementary building.  The letter contains the name of your child’s homeroom teacher, information about open house, as well as important information about various aspects of returning to school.  

If you have chosen the virtual option for your child, you will also be receiving a copy of the Covid -19 operational guidelines and a brief letter regarding the virtual program.  More details about the virtual program will be sent in the next two weeks.  

The elementary’s Covid -19 operational guidelines as well as homeroom lists can be found on the elementary website.  Class lists are also posted on the front window of the elementary building.  

If you have any questions, please contact the office at 364-9119.  Thank you.