Dear Parents/Guardians,
This is to inform you about the required curriculum related to sexual abuse prevention and sexual violence prevention for the 2025-2025 school year. Senate Bill 288 is known as Erin’s Law and was passed in January of 2023.
Ohio law, specifically, ORC §3313.60, was amended to require each district to provide developmentally appropriate instruction in child sexual abuse prevention for grades K-6 and developentally appropriate instruction in sexual violence prevention education for grades 7-12.
Lynchburg-Clay Elementary School has choosen an Ohio Department of Education approved curriculum to meet the instructional requirements of Erin’s Law. Grades K-5 will use the Fight Child Abuse Curriculum. This curriculum is free for anyone to access at any time.
By law, if you do not want your child to participate in this curriculum, you must provide a written request to the school. You will receive notification from your child’s school on the upcoming dates the curriculum will be taught. Your written request to opt your child out of receiving this instruction must be received by that date.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 937-364-9119
Thank you